[+1597 -65] I love you BIGBANG~ Take good care of your bodies and prepare well for the concert~❤️I will always cheer for you~ everything~
[+1201 -81] When one person from the family goes on a trip for a few days, his/her absence can be felt greatly as the family always spend their time together. When GD doesn't update his SNS for a few days, I keep feeling concerned, I'm worried as to whether he is sick. He's always trying to connect/communicate with the fans and if we have the chance we would like to let him know that we're thankful for that. BIGBANG was awesome today as well~ I love GD and BIGBANG~
[+979 -36] BIGBANG I love you♥♥♥♥♥
[+515 -41] To be honest, what is there in Korea? The country hasn't done anything properly.. No matter how hateful it is, seeing how Hallyu fever (K-fever) is in many countries makes me feel proud. Especially the Japanese who extremely hate Koreans, BIGBANG topped their charts immediately.. These popular people
[+415 -13] BIGBANG is my everything♡
[+434 -21] As the days go by, the prettier they gets like they are breaking their own record~ so pretty💗💗💗
[+389 -15] ㅠㅠ크으으으 Is it obvious(?) they are a 10 year idol...? Everyone is still getting handsomer.. (After that is saying they were ugly during debut)
[+364 -9] Everyone is photogenic in BIGBANG, whatever BIGBANG do, it's just nice (I'm not really sure about this)
[+356 -14] BIGBANG I love you❤❤GD♡♡
[+337 -11] Who can be this good-looking♡♡
[+285 -4] Take care of your healthㅜㅠ
Author's Notes:
-Comment 3, 5 & 7 is thanks to @jadexxgd on Twitter